By progressing through this 16-week science-based program, you will perform exercises that address known deficits or difficulties associated with Golfer’s elbow or medial elbow tendinopathy.
The goal with these exercise categories is fairly simple – build your capacity by:
A comprehensive exercise program will improve your tolerance to various forms of loading, such as gripping, lifting weights, and playing sports.
Improve the strength, mobility, endurance, and overall function of your wrist, forearm, and elbow, as well as your shoulders and thoracic spine.
“I purchased and regularly used the golfer’s elbow program for four months and it was, well, ‘lifechanging’ sounds a bit dramatic, but practically speaking, that’s not far off. I still do a slightly reduced version of the program, in order to stay sufficiently strong and flexible so that (hopefully) the pain I had for years in my elbow doesn’t return.”
Michael T.
Watch the video to learn how this program can help you!
Disclaimer: You should always get evaluated and cleared for exercise by a medical professional, especially if your symptoms occurred traumatically (important to rule out fracture, severe muscle or ligament injury, etc.), are worsening (loss of function, unrelenting pain, etc.), or you recently had surgery.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns prior to purchasing this program.
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