This 16-week science-based program covers most shoulder-related issues* for 2 reasons:
It might be called Shoulder Resilience, but you can’t get through this program without also seeing significant improvements in your arms, back, and trunk. We wanted to leave no stone unturned.
Many aspects are customizable, so you get to tailor the program to fit your specific goals and needs.
*Frozen shoulder is not the focus of this program. However, individuals in the “thawing” phase attempting to regain full range of motion and strength may benefit from the recommendations provided.
“I’ve made remarkable progress since these months have passed and I feel no pain anymore doing lifestyle movements in my shoulder. I can sleep without pain, I can move my body without it hurting my shoulder. I can now raise my arm above my head without it popping and feeling the bad pain.”
Michael T.
Watch the video to learn how this program can help you!
Disclaimer: You should always get evaluated and cleared for exercise by a medical professional, especially if your symptoms occurred traumatically (important to rule out fracture, severe muscle or ligament injury, etc.), are worsening (loss of function, unrelenting pain, etc.), or you recently had surgery.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns prior to purchasing this program.
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